2. To log in you simply need to enter in your username and password. Your environment is dependent on the URL you use to log in to 360:
360na.coretex.com - North America
360.coretex.com - Rest of the world
360anz.coretex.com - ANZ
3. When you are logged in you will be taken to the Tracking Page.
You can search for any vehicle at the top of your tracking screen
4. Clicking on Vehicles at the bottom of the app will display a list of all your vehicles. You can click on any vehicle for more information on the current status of the vehicle as well as a list trips made.
5. The messages tab allows you to see all messages sent from all vehicles in the current fleet. From here you can also send messages to vehicles and/or fleets of your choice.
6. The Settings tab allows you to filter what vehicles you have on the tracking screen, as well as the ignition and vehicle states. You can also log out here.