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Edit Driver Logs

Update/correct a driver log, add a duty status to a log

Updated this week

You can edit driver logs to correct event information and add remarks. You can also add duty statuses.

Edit a Driver Log

1. On the Dashboard, tap Logs > View Logs.

2. Navigate to the log you want to edit, and then tap Edit.

The display changes to show the log events for the day.

3. Tap the pencil icon next to an event you need to adjust.

A screen similar to the following displays, where you can edit the applicable information. Some fields may not be enabled for change.

4. As applicable, tap in the Event time field.

A clock displays where you can change the start time of the log event. First, drag the hours clock hand to change the hour. Once done, the minutes clock displays. Drag the minutes clock hand to change the minutes. Tap the AM or PM field, as needed.

You can switch between the hours clock and the minutes clock by tapping the hours and minutes fields (that is, the “3” and the “25” in the image example). Tap OK when done.

Timing restrictions apply. The event time clock does not allow you to select times that will alter a previous Driving status time. Gray numerals indicate that they are locked. If the Event time field is disabled, you cannot alter the time at all.

5. As applicable, tap the Driver status dropdown arrow to change the status.

6. (Required) Ensure the Location field is correct.

7. (Required) In the Annotation field, enter an explanation for the change.

Tapping Annotation launches the keyboard. Tap Done to collapse the keyboard. Annotations are visible to your carrier in the back office and to officials during roadside inspections. You can see them in your logs below the listed ELD event.

EROAD Drive prompts you when an annotation is mandatory, such as when you change your status to Personal Conveyance.

Best practice: Enter information for events you cannot edit and to clarify unclear or unusual events, such as fueling and load checking.

8. Update the other optional fields, as needed.

For example, you may need to add a shipment number or a trailer.

9. When done, tap OK.

You must use the Driver Portal to edit logs that are older than seven (U.S.) or 14 (Canada) days.

Add a Duty Status

You may need to add a duty status to a day’s log if, for example, you forgot to go off duty at the end of a shift or go on duty at the start of a shift. New log entries for driver statuses are the only ELD events you are allowed to add.

To add a duty status:

1. On the Dashboard, tap View > View Logs.

2. Navigate to the daily log you need to adjust, and then tap Edit > Add Status.

An Event Time clock displays as described above. The same timing restrictions apply as when you are editing a log event.

3. Select the start time for the new status, and then tap OK.

The Add Status screen displays. The Event time field displays the start time you just set.

Tip: To save time, tap Previous or Next to copy another log event. This auto-populates the data fields, and you can edit them as needed.

4. In the Driver status dropdown, select the new duty status.

5. (Required) In the Location field, enter the location for the new duty status.

6. (Required) In the Annotation field, enter the reason for adding a new duty status.

7. As needed, complete the other data fields, and then tap OK.

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