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Vehicle Manager

Key information about your vehicles

Written by Oliver Scott-Hughes
Updated over a week ago

The Vehicle Manager allows you to create, edit and remove vehicle assets within Coretex 360. The vehicle list presents all the vehicles, and you can change the fields and sort order via User Settings. This is accessed by hovering over the Vehicle tab and selecting Vehicle Manager.

Some key areas inside the vehicle manager are:

Top Toolbar: From here you can add, edit or delete vehicles, as well as customize how you see the vehicle manager via User Settings.

General Settings: As it is across 360, this is where you can set up alerting for vehicles. Any alerts set up via general settings will apply to all vehicles.

Vehicle Grid: This is where you can find all the vehicles inside your company, along with key information about those vehicles. The columns you see are configurable to each user, and can be changed under User Settings.

Vehicle Manager is permission specific, please contact your admin user or Coretex Support if you do not have access to this. 

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