Geofence Groups

How to create and display on the tracking screen

Written by Paul Price
Updated over a week ago

1. Hover over the Admin tab and click on Location Manager 

2. Select General Settings 

3. Create a location group by clicking on Add Location Group 

4. Give your location group a name and select the colour you would like it to be

5. Move to the Location tab and drag and drop any locations over to the assigned locations group that you wish to have in your group and then press save 

6. Return to your Tracking screen and click on the Location tab, located at the top right hand side

7. In the drop down under Group you can change this from All Locations to your group 

8. If you are wanting to display more than one group at a time, select My Location Groups and select the groups you are wanting to see 

Location Manager is permission specific, please contact your admin user or Coretex Support if you do not have access to this.

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